We are honored to benefit from the leadership of outstanding men and women representing the School, Church and surrounding community.
School Board: 2024-25
The Board of Directors has oversight responsibility for the policies and operation of Grace Episcopal School in accordance with the Charter and Bylaws. The various backgrounds of each member provide a diverse and rich foundation for the decisions made on behalf of Grace. We remain grateful for the support and guidance these members give to Grace, and we look forward to maintaining this special relationship between the School and the Board to ensure Grace’s success in providing an exceptional education for children.
The Board, in consultation with the Head of School, is responsible for preparing an annual budget, including appropriate levels of tuition and expenditures and all such matters necessary to operate the School on a sound fiscal basis. A financial commitment is included in the School Budget for utilities and other costs shared between the Church and the School, as determined by the cost-sharing memorandum of understanding.

School Board Bylaws
School Board Chair: Jennifer Long
Vice Chair: Suzanne O’Malley
Treasurer: Paul Bellantoni
Secretary: Danielle Davis
Board Members
Keith Davis
Viju Dilley
Jennifer Gufstason
Andrew Johnson
Michael Sawers
Jenny Shearer Voces
Amanda Hungerford, Ex officio
Grace Church Rector, Ex officio

Preschool 3 to Grade 5
Coed Independent Day School
3601 Russell Road, Alexandria, VA 22305-1731
Office: (703) 549-5067 • office@graceschoolalex.org