Grace elementary students experience the joy of growing in a nurturing environment with a personalized approach to learning.
Kindergarten & Grade 1
Kindergarten and first-grade students enjoy learning in an engaging and interactive environment where they are given the tools they need to succeed in our academically challenging curriculum. With an average class size of 14 and two teachers per class, these students benefit from the personal attention and differentiated approaches to learning made possible by small class sizes.
Understanding that all children develop at their own pace, the teachers introduce individualized programs of reading and writing once each student begins to show signs of readiness. Language Arts is based on a literacy diet of phonics, independent and shared reading, writing process and a solid foundation in vocabulary and grammar.
Math in Focus, an authentic Singapore Math curriculum, well-known for its effectiveness in key foundational concepts and flexible thinking, begins in kindergarten and continues through fifth grade. Students learn about the physical and social aspects of our world through STEM and social studies, adding to the solid foundation of each child’s education. Woven into the curricula are daily opportunities for social-emotional growth, emphasizing the importance of good character and well-rounded children. Students are enriched through specials classes in technology, library, music, studio art, religion and physical education.
Average Class Size and Student/Teacher Ratio in Kindergarten and Grade 1

Average Class Size and Student/Teacher Ratio in Grades 2-5

Grades 2-5
With an average class size of 11 students and one teacher, students benefit from a comfortable environment and close peer relationships as they navigate a demanding, yet well-balanced curriculum. The joy of learning is ever present with Grace “graders” who work together regularly and share the playground and playing fields for daily recess, further establishing a sense of community as scholars and friends.
Critical thinking and innovation are developed through our integrated programs that allow learning to take on an active role as students move about the classroom to read in groups on the floor or find a quiet place in the hallway to write. All students in Grades 2-5 enjoy a growing emphasis on project-based learning, a powerful teaching method that boosts student engagement, confidence and creativity. Academic efforts are supported by 1:1 technology tools — iPads for Grade 2 and Chromebooks for Grades 3-5.
By Grade 4, students have developed the executive functioning skills required to manage their own homework assignments. Overall, the fourth and fifth grade years are marked by a tremendous increase in responsibility, school leadership, academic independence and personal growth. As a result, these students thrive with an enduring confidence in their academic abilities and a sound sense of self. They leave Grace fully prepared for middle school and beyond.
Character Keys
The trademark of a Grace elementary education is our Character Keys: honesty, respect, responsibility, compassion and courage, which are woven into daily life and integrated into Grace curricula. Grace students learn with confidence and become thoughtful members of their communities.
Kindergarten Through Grade 5 Curriculum

Language Arts
As a child exhibits the readiness to read, an individualized program begins. Phonics provides the foundation for reading and writing, supplemented by strategies that support comprehension skills, decoding skills, inventive spelling and most importantly, instill in children a lifelong love of reading. Kindergarteners use literacy skills to write words, build sentences and compose writing pieces. Children are grouped according to developmental readiness, giving them confidence and support as they learn to read and spell.
In kindergarten, children begin using Math in Focus, an authentic Singapore Math curriculum with problem-solving as the center of math learning. Concepts are taught with a concrete, pictorial, abstract learning progression through hands-on activities. Kindergarten students work to develop a strong number sense by understanding the relationships between numbers, building and naming numbers to 100, learning number facts to 10 and beginning addition and subtraction word problems.
Social Studies
The focal point of kindergarten social studies is the study of the family and how communities are formed and integrated into our lives. Family structures and multi-cultural traditions are explored and students enjoy discovering the similarities and differences among families through projects and discussions. Individual and family responsibility and group cooperation are stressed. Literature, food, clothing, dramatic play and holiday traditions are some of the vehicles used to help introduce and understand different cultures of the world.
The science curriculum is designed to expose students to hands-on activities that make science exciting and meaningful. We provide opportunities for children to experience science through the five senses, and we introduce the skills of measuring, observation, predicting and recording data. Students begin with simple observations and experiments while studying various units on plant and animal life, seasons and weather, habitats and the solar system.
Grade 1
Language Arts
Building phonics skills, accuracy, and the development of a basic sight word vocabulary help give first graders the foundation to become fluent readers. The children use personal experiences and comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading to enhance understanding of a text. Children continue to learn in small groups based on readiness. In these small groups, they engage in purposeful centers that target each part of the literacy diet. Creative writing is an important part of weekly activities and the introduction of a formal spelling program improves first graders’ skills as they move away from inventive spelling.
First graders use Math in Focus, an authentic Singapore Math curriculum with problem-solving as the center of math learning. Concepts are taught with a concrete – pictorial – abstract learning progression through real-world, hands-on activities and games. First-grade students are introduced to multiplication and division, picture and bar graphs and work on calendar and time, numbers to 120 and addition and subtraction to 100.
Social Studies
The importance of families, communities and cities in our country and in different cultures remains at the heart of the first graders’ social studies curriculum. Map skills are integrated into the program. The theme of cooperation continues, emphasizing the significance of neighbors working together. Students also begin to learn more about work and earning money.
Students continue to make observations and explorations in earth and physical science using scientific methods of classification, prediction and logical reasoning. First graders work on units studying plants, animals, ecology, habitats, energy, light and weather. They undertake several research assignments throughout the year, including the ever-popular dinosaur project.
Grade 2
Language Arts
Phonics remains a major component of second grade and is integrated throughout reading, spelling and language arts. Reading activities continue to develop fluency, word attacks skills, comprehension and critical thinking skills. Grammar becomes an integral part of the creative writing program, and students become proficient in the use of encyclopedias, dictionaries, software and reference books as they learn to do research for written and oral reports. Students spend time on proper letter formation and spacing and cursive handwriting is introduced when each student is ready – an exciting rite of passage for the second graders.
Second graders use Math in Focus, an authentic Singapore Math curriculum with problem-solving as the center of math learning. Concepts are taught with a concrete – pictorial – abstract learning progression through real-world, hands-on activities and games. Second graders begin the year by learning place value to the 1000s and increasing their knowledge of adding and subtracting to the 1000s, with and without regrouping. The basic concepts of multiplication and division are taught, initially mostly through pictures, but transitioning to number sentences. The math curriculum spirals: concepts taught are revisited and strengthened throughout the year.
Social Studies
Citizen and citizenship are keywords for second graders, where much of the focus in social studies is understanding the importance of being good citizens. Students study rural, urban and suburban communities, discussing similarities and differences that exist within the communities’ geography, population, occupations, economy, diversity and culture. Second graders also study influential people in our history. Projects and group work remain an integral part of the social studies curriculum.
Second graders explore essential concepts of life science, physical science and earth science through hands-on STEM activities and experiments. Topics covered may include: plants, animals, energy, matter, machines, rocks, minerals, oceans, weather, the solar system and the human body. Students further their knowledge through integrated assemblies and field trips to nearby museums in the DC area.
Grade 3
Language Arts
Third graders learn and practice reading strategies and comprehension skills, while being exposed to a wide variety of literature. Focus is placed on reading for comprehension and specific skills such as finding the main idea, drawing conclusions, making inferences and making connections. The study of grammar continues with a focus on parts of speech, proper punctuation and proper sentence structure. In addition to creative writing, students write personal narratives, poetry, and expository pieces. Emphasis is placed on forming solid paragraphs that include a topic sentence, the necessary supportive details, and a concluding sentence. Students stay engaged through project-based learning with research and book reports.
Third graders use Math in Focus, an authentic Singapore Math curriculum with problem-solving as the center of math learning. Concepts are taught with a concrete – pictorial – abstract learning progression through real-world, hands-on activities and games. Grade 3 students cover numbers to 10,000 and continue to improve on multiplication and division skills. Fractions, measurement, angles and lines and two-dimensional shapes are all introduced in third-grade math studies.
Social Studies
Third graders study US geography, regions, government and history in social studies. Students develop map skills and explore the different regions of our country, comparing the climates, natural resources and geography of each region. Research, projects and oral presentations remain central to the curriculum, as they study the branches of the US government, gain an understanding of civics and learn about our past US Presidents. Field trips to nearby local and federal government institutions bring many of the topics to life, further enhancing the students’ studies.
Students move toward more complex observations and explorations in earth, life and physical sciences and continue to enjoy a project-based approach to learning through regular STEM activities and experiments. Topics covered may include: plants and animals, habitats, weather, ecology, rocks and minerals and the water cycle. The students’ knowledge progresses through exciting units on electricity, simple machines and the solar system.
Grade 4
Language Arts
By the time students enter fourth grade, they are expected to apply the foundational skills they have developed through reading, handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation into their language arts activities and book projects. Writing is strengthened through five paragraph essays and a focus on editing and revising skills. Fourth graders enjoy more independent reading and a greater focus on literature, which varies based on the reading level of the class. The students continue to work on reading comprehension and vocabulary..
Fourth graders use Math in Focus, an authentic Singapore Math curriculum with problem-solving and in-depth understanding at the center of math learning. Concepts are taught with a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression through real-world, hands-on activities and games. Fourth graders work on whole number multiplication and division, estimation, tables and line graphs, data and probability, mixed numbers and understanding relationships between fractions and decimals.
Social Studies
In fourth grade, students gain a deeper understanding of our region through a focus on the history and geography of Virginia. They explore Virginia’s earliest history through units on Native Americans and their relationships to Jamestown and the English settlers, the American Revolution and the history of slavery. We are able to integrate curriculum specific field trips thanks to our close proximity to Washington D.C. – these may include visiting the African American Civil War Museum, Ford’s Theater, George Washington’s Mount Vernon and more. Current events may be woven into the curriculum when appropriate.
Students develop a greater understanding of the natural world through an engaging curriculum where topics are examined and explored with teacher instruction and hands-on STEM activities in “science lab”. Fourth and fifth grade topics alternate yearly to include: plants, animals, ecosystems, classification, earthquakes, volcanoes, weather, oceans, energy forces, atoms, cells, simple machines and the solar system. Fourth graders are challenged to acquire scientific concepts and principles by performing experiments and honing observation skills in small groups, often in collaboration with the fifth grade class.
Grade 5
Language Arts
The focus of language arts is exposure to great works of literature and refinement of the use of grammar, punctuation and spelling in an engaging, project-based curriculum. There is a strong emphasis on high-quality writing and research skills, higher levels of vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Critical thinking is encouraged as students collaborate through literature circles and discussions, peer editing and small reading groups. Multiple book projects on various genres are assigned throughout the year, allowing fifth graders to further develop their presentation skills.
Fifth graders use Math in Focus, an authentic Singapore Math curriculum with problem-solving as the center of math learning. Concepts are taught with a concrete – pictorial – abstract learning progression through real-world, hands-on activities and games. Fifth grade students explore problem solving skills and strategies, expand on their foundational knowledge of geometry, ratios and percents, multiplication and division of 2-digit numbers, fractions, mixed numbers and decimals. The basics of algebra are mastered to prepare students for more advanced mathematics in middle school.
Social Studies
Fifth grade students use an analytical approach to explore the origins of US history through the 1800s. Using a variety of sources, students learn about our country’s founding by studying the Age of Exploration, North American settlement and colonization, the American Revolution and westward expansion. Research skills are emphasized throughout the project-based curriculum as students prepare for middle school.
Science is approached through a hands-on, research lens. Students move toward more complex observations and explorations in earth, life and physical sciences. Fourth and fifth grade topics alternate yearly to include: plants, animals, ecosystems, classification, earthquakes, volcanoes, weather, oceans, energy forces, atoms, cells, simple machines and the solar system. “Science Lab” provides students with engaging STEM activities to discover and experiment individually and in small groups, often in collaboration with the fourth grade class providing opportunities for leadership and peer-to-peer learning.

Preschool 3 to Grade 5
Coed Independent Day School
3601 Russell Road, Alexandria, VA 22305-1731
Office: (703) 549-5067 • office@graceschoolalex.org