Your partnership and support allow Grace to fulfill our mission of providing outstanding academic programs, employing exceptional teachers and attracting talented and dedicated students.
Grace Giving
For more than 60 years, Grace Episcopal School has fostered an enthusiasm for learning through our program of academic excellence in a warm and nurturing environment. To fulfill our important mission, we rely on a community of supporters that help bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the true cost of a Grace education. Through the support of our donors, whether it’s volunteering time and resources or making a financial contribution, Grace is able to continue to provide outstanding academic programs, employ exceptional teachers, attract talented and dedicated students and fully live our mission. We ask Grace parents, grandparents, alumni, past parents and friends to consider making their gifts to GES one of their top philanthropic priorities. This support is an investment in the education and experience of every student and is critical in sustaining the programs, teachers, administrators and families that make Grace great.

Your Support Makes the Difference!
Annual Gala & Auction
The Grace Fund
Commemorative Bricks

The Grace Fund
The Grace Fund is the school’s annual fund, supporting our operating budget, helping to close the gap between tuition and the true cost of a Grace education. Like nearly all independent schools, tuition revenue does not cover the full cost of educating each student. We depend upon our community of parents, grandparents, alumni and friends to bridge that gap that is critical to the daily operation of our school. Gifts to the The Grace Fund support virtually every aspect of a Grace education, from faculty professional development opportunities to technology upgrades to maintaining a safe and inviting facility. Unrestricted gifts made to The Grace Fund will support the areas of greatest need. If you would like to designate your gift to a specific need, you may choose to select one of the categories below when making your donation: academic programming and technology, art, music and cultural programming, diversity, equity, inclusion and justice, facilities, faculty development, and financial aid.
A gift of any size will help us reach our goals. We hope that every family will contribute as their means allow, and that every family finds a way to participate.
Ways to Give
Corporate Matching
Academic Programming and Technology
Your gift will provide integration of resources into the classroom and increase learning opportunities to ensure our students have a strong academic foundation that prepares them to meet the challenges of middle school and beyond.
Art, Music and Cultural Programming
Your gift will provide Grace with resources to support a program that includes fine arts and music instruction. These gifts also enable students to participate in field trips to museums and historic sites and to attend in-school assemblies featuring an array of performers and speakers.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice
Your gift will support the advancement of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice efforts in our daily work at Grace. These gifts will be used in professional development, hiring efforts, admissions efforts, curriculum resources and/or educational programming.
Faculty Development
Your gift will provide professional growth opportunities to Grace’s faculty, enabling Grace to attract, retain and develop talented teachers and help our teachers to remain in the forefront of excellence in education.
Your gift will support the upkeep of our buildings and grounds, the spaces where our students work, play and learn.
Financial Aid
Your gift will provide financial assistance to students whose families demonstrate need and who otherwise would not be able to afford a Grace education. This allows Grace to enroll talented and motivated students, whose contributions, values, and attitudes enrich the Grace experience for everyone.
*The Grace Annual Fund supports Grace Episcopal School’s operating budget. The School Board retains the discretion to use the funds to support the school’s general operations should contributions received for a particular area exceed the expenditure limits approved by the Board for a particular area.

Commemorative Bricks
We invite you to make your mark on Grace with a personalized brick in the Friends of Grace Walkway. The 4”x8” red clay bricks are installed in the outdoor walkway leading up to the playgrounds and playing fields from the parking lot for all past, present and future Grace members to see. A fitting way to honor your graduate, thank a beloved faculty member or celebrate your time at Grace. Bricks cost $125 and have three rows of text with up to 20 characters per row.

Grace Gala & Auction
Grace’s Annual Gala & Auction is the school’s largest fundraising event.
This. year’s Gala will be held on November 16, 2024. Guests will enjoy food, drinks, music, a live auction presentation, and a robust selection of silent auction items for all to bid on!
We need parent volunteers to make this event a success! If you would like to be part of the 2024 Gala Planning Committee, or have any questions, please reach out to GESPA at Your generous support and assistance help us reach our goals. Thank you!

Preschool 3 to Grade 5
Coed Independent Day School
3601 Russell Road, Alexandria, VA 22305-1731
Office: (703) 549-5067 •