Character Keys
Character growth is key to succeeding in school, developing positive peer relationships and unlocking individual potential for a fulfilling future.
Live with integrity. Be sincere. Tell the truth, even when it is hard.
Be kind. Always treat others how you wish to be treated.
Own your actions. Understand how they affect others and the world around you.
Love one another. Practice patience and understanding.
Be brave! Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe.
Opening the Door
to Strong Character
We believe a full education is more than learning to read and write, add and subtract. To properly understand and learn about the world we live in, it is important to learn about ourselves and the fundamentals of relationship skills. A secure foundation in self-awareness and self-regulation gives students the tools to confidently navigate personal relationships that are so essential to the human experience.
At Grace, we support social-emotional learning with the help of our five Grace character keys: honesty, respect, responsibility, compassion, and courage, which give students a solid foundation in good character. Visit Grace and you will find the character keys proudly displayed in hallways and classrooms, and integrated into the curriculum of each class.
By setting clear expectations of the character traits we value and expect from our community, we encourage Grace students to embrace the power of goodness and contribute positively to the experience of all others in the school.
We, who are members of the Grace Episcopal School community, seek to live lives of Christian values and good character. We believe that good character grows from daily acts of honesty, respect, responsibility, compassion and courage. We pledge ourselves to develop these ideals with integrity, striving to do what is right at all times.

Preschool 3 to Grade 5
Coed Independent Day School
3601 Russell Road, Alexandria, VA 22305-1731
Office: (703) 549-5067 •