Episcopal School
As an Episcopal community, we value spirituality that celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion: students and families of all religious backgrounds are welcome and valued.
An Inclusive Community
As an Episcopal School, we are guided by the way of love that is at the heart of the Episcopal faith. We rely on the teachings of Jesus to create a religious and ethical base relevant to each child’s age, beginning with an understanding of the values of love, inclusion, empathy and a call to help others. Grace students learn first and foremost that they are loved unconditionally. As an inclusive community, we welcome and value students and families from all religious backgrounds.
While the underlying values of the Episcopal faith are always present in the day-to-day life of Grace students, children in Grades 1 through 5 also have Religion Class once a week. The children develop an understanding of the Bible as the foundation of Christian values, and Jesus’ teachings reinforce the relationship between religion and Grace’s character keys. Students are also encouraged to respect additional sources of spiritual inspiration and world religions.
Faith is a personal journey for each of us, and we strive to help each child understand his/her individual path. Our commitment to spiritual growth means we do more than teach the Bible: Students are given opportunities to discover applications of biblical themes in their own lives. Through biblical stories and themes, students begin to understand their personal relationships with God and each other.
Live in Grace:
Service to Others
All classes participate in community service projects that provide students with the important hands-on experience of helping others. Some of our projects include:
- Annual non-perishable food drives for Grace Church Food Pantry
- ALIVE! House walk for homeless awareness
- “Be the Change that Makes the Change” coin drive for Alexandria’s Carpenter’s Shelter
- Towel and blanket collection for Alexandria Animal Shelter
- Senior outreach services with Alexandria’s Goodwin House
- Carpenter’s Shelter dinners hosted by each class
Weekly Chapel at Grace
All students, from Preschool through Grade 5, attend weekly chapel in Grace Church. This time together is one of Grace’s most cherished traditions. We sing, we pray and we learn together what it means to embrace the Episcopal way of love. Our fifth graders take an active role in these services as readers, ushers and acolytes. The historic Grace Church chapel provides a rich resource for the study of Christian stories, symbols, art and history. Parents and siblings are welcome to attend all chapel services and share in the joy of our weekly worship.

Preschool 3 to Grade 5
Coed Independent Day School
3601 Russell Road, Alexandria, VA 22305-1731
Office: (703) 549-5067 • office@graceschoolalex.org